If this is true the limitations on expressing various personal traits and interests will be much less. Males under these circumstances will find it much easier to be their whole selves. Since there wont be so many prohibitions against this and that behavior the oppor- tunities to express those traits which would seem ef- feminate today if expressed by someone in the mas- culine role, will be much greater. Thus males will be able to integrate their total selves without so much guilt, fear, and loneliness as we experience today.
This is I think the direction in which society is traveling. While there probably will still be those who envy the opposite sex there may be a great dimi- nution in the number of those who cross-dress because dress distinctions will not be so important. The envy and identification will probably take place in a different
But what of those of us already adults in the pre- sent culture and having to live within the present social limitations. I think we should be trying to find ways in which we can assimilate our "girl within" into our masculine lives. I don't expect we shall ever give up femmedressing but that does not mean that we can't strive to accept and express more of that which our "girl" represents in our ordinary lives. We have not in the past done so because of fear and shame, but now that we have come to "know ourselves" better we should be able to handle this problem with greater ease. When we get so that we can express more of "Jane" in "John" we will be more mature and more integrated personalities and better for it.
So, in summary, I don't think that our natural end point is in either homosexuality or transexuality, but rather right here in good old femmepersonation. But along side of the femmeself will or should emerge an